CIA World FactbookThe Central Intelligence Agency provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, transportation, military, and other issues for nations around the world.
Federal Registry for Educational ExcellenceThe Federal Registry for Educational Excellence (FREE) makes it easier to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations
InfoPleaseProvides access to Atlas,Thesaurus, Dictionary, Almanac, Math Conversion Tools, A Day In History, and more tools all in one convenient site.
Khan Academy A free learning source tailored and personalized for each student K-12. (Includes resources for all subjects.
Kids GovA safe place for kids to learn, play games, watch videos, and discover reliable information. This site covers most subject areas, including, math, science, social studies, geography, science, health, reading and more.
KnowmiaFree video lessons and interactive assignments.
Maps National Geographic site provides maps and activities across the world.
Merriam-WebsterTrusted source for language information. Also includes a Thesaurus, Medical Dictionary, and brief Encyclopedia entries.
MIT Open Courseware MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Publishes all of their courses online to make them available for everyone. Includes lectures, course materials and solutions, online textbooks, videos and more. Courses available in business, computers, engineering, fine arts, humanities, mathematics, sciences, and social sciences.